Full-stack developer

Уровень дохода не указан

Опыт работы: 1–3 года

Полная занятость

График: 5/2

Рабочие часы: 8

Формат работы: гибрид

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Full-Stack Developer

Our team is in search of a Middle Fullstack developer to work on a project for one of our clients, which is an airline ticketing company. We have already implemented a successful web platform for fast search and purchase of premium airline tickets, and now we are launching a new ambitious project - a CRM system that will change the approach to customer data management.


  • Minimum of 2+ years of experience.

  • Experience in tasks/project estimation.

  • Proficiency PHP (Laravel), MySQL, HTML/CSS, Javascript (VueJS)

  • Experience with React/NodeJS would be a plus

  • Competent speech, the ability to defend your point of view.

  • Ability to build your workflow in compliance with estimates and deadlines

We offer:

  • Comfortable location in modern office in Minsk (Business Center Titan);

  • A dedicated rest area with delicious tea, coffee with cookies, sweets and other pleasures;

  • Flexible work day

  • Official employment;

  • Endless professional growth;

  • The ability to propose and implement your own ideas and see them come to life.

  • A chance to make a real impact in the world of financial technology.

Ссылка на вакансию в банке вакансий на gsz.gov.⁣by:https://gsz.gov.by/registration/employer/vacancy/1414264/detail-public/

Ключевые навыки

  • MySQL
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Redis
  • Laravel
  • VueJS

Задайте вопрос работодателю

Он получит его с откликом на вакансию

Где предстоит работать

Минск, Петровщина, проспект Дзержинского, 104

Вакансия опубликована 20 февраля 2025 в Минске

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