Middle QA Engineer

Конончук Юлия Дмитриевна
Зарплата от 1000 до 1500 USD
от 1000 до 1500 USD
Занятость Полная занятость
Полная занятость
Адрес Беларусь, Минск
Описание вакансии
  • Writing a variety of tests, including functional and regression tests.
  • Maintaining frameworks for testing.
  • Building the roadmap and process for iterating on tests, writing new test cases.
  • Maintaining our automated and manual test suites.
  • Cooperating with the engineering team and helping with test automation.
  • Improving our continuous delivery pipeline, ensuring that we can do frequent, robust releases.
  • You are experienced in backend, UI, and REST API testing,
  • You have experience in the travel industry
  • You have experience in testing AI and ML models
  • You have experience in the industry, most used test management tools
  • You are a great communicator with a willingness to learn,
  • You speak English fluently (B2/C1 level is a minimum, as we communicate in English)
  • Tech stack: Flutter, Next.js, TypeScript, ChatGPT-4.
  • Fully remote
  • Test period 1 month
  • Fluent English is crucial
Опыт 1-3 года
Условия работы
График работы Удаленная работа
Добавлено 11 дней назад
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